A few opening thoughts…

Have you heard the one about the guy who decided to become an accountant?
He realized he didn’t have the charisma to become an undertaker.

There are a lot of jokes told about accountants. It’s not considered to be a particularly glamorous occupation. But there are very few jobs in which one can have as great and positive an effect on the practical realities of people’s lives.

So, all joking aside, as long as we consider people and the quality of their lives to be important, accounting must be considered important—and worthy of the conscientiousness and diligence demonstrated by every worthy accountant.

This is the first in what I intend will be a weekly effort to simplify tax preparation/accounting and bookkeeping for what I hope will prove to be my loyal readers. I will write posts containing hints on how to make your life less complicated when it comes to the necessary tasks of keeping records and meeting the Canada Revenue Agency’s demands for various filings (monthly, quarterly or yearly).

The range of topics will be as numberless as the pages in the tax code, and I will always be happy to do my best to answer your questions. So please don’t be shy about emailing us or posting comments and questions in this blog. We promise that we will answer every query and publish every blog comment of broad interest.

So tune in next week for my post on “Key Performance Indicators”—or How to Measure True Business Success.