12 Tips on writing a brochure that will support your (online) marketing efforts and increase your sales:
1. KNOW WHAT YOUR READER WANTS. Write your brochure or leaflet from the reader’s point of view. What are the reader’s concerns? What do they need to know before they make a purchase? Try writing down all the questions you hear from your customers and try and answer them in your collateral.
2. MOTIVATE YOUR READER TO LOOK INSIDE. The first page your reader will see is the front cover. Get it wrong and you will probably lose the sale. Start with the benefits of your product, or use thought-provoking statements that motivate the reader to pick up the brochure and open it. Tell the reader there’s something inside just for them – an exclusive invitation, a free report, a special discount, or advance notice of sales. Don’t put just your company logo or product name on the front. This will not work.
3. LIST THE CONTENTS. In brochures of eight pages or more, a table of contents is essential. Design it so that the table of contents stands out from the rest of the text. Use the contents to sell the brochure. Don’t use mind-numbing words like ‘introduction’ or ‘Model A848DHGT’. Use your key sales points in your heading.
4. LOST THE PRODUCT’S BENEFITS. Purchasers care about benefits, not features. To develop a list of benefits, draw up a list of product features and add the words ‘which means that…’ after each point. For example, ‘The cake is made from an original recipe, which means that …it tastes better.’ Or, ‘The car has a 300 horse-power engine, which means that…it goes faster.’ Benefits are what sell products.
5. MAKE THE BROCHURE A KEEPER. Putting helpful information in your brochure will encourage the reader to keep it, refer to it often, or pass it on to other people. If you are selling paint, you can provide hints on colour schemes, painting how-to information, tips from the pros, or other information. If you are selling skin care products, you can give your readers tips on how to combat pimples, dry skin, fine lines, and wrinkles.
6. ALTER THE SHAPE. Who says a brochure has to be 8 ½ by 11? If you are selling sandwiches, design a brochure in the shape of a sandwich. Season tickets to soccer matches? Design it in the shape of a soccer ball. Use your imagination to come up with an original, eye-catching piece. According to Direct Magazine, a recent mailing by CSi, a company that conducts customer satisfaction surveys for automobile insurance firms and repair shops, got a 15% response rate with a brochure delivered in a 32-ounce squeeze sport water bottle. The headline read ‘Thirsty for more repair orders.’ Try tall and slim, square, oblong, whatever you like. The only limitation is your imagination, and of course, your budget.
7. MAKE IT PERSONAL. An experienced speaker talking to a large audience will pick out someone in the crowd, and talk directly to him or her. This connection allows the speaker to make the talk more personal. In a similar fashion, write your brochure with an imaginary person in mind. Why? Because writing in a direct ‘I’m talking-only-to-you’ style will increase response.
8. ADD ATMOSPHERE. You don’t want your brochure to sound aloof. Let your reader share your feelings. A brochure about a wood-burning stove does not need to go into the ins and outs of how the stove works. Tell your reader your reader about rain swept winter evenings and snowbound afternoons. Let your words show them how warm and snug they’ll be when they purchase one of your stoves.
9. START SELLING RIGHT AWAY. Not everyone needs to know about every aspect of your product or service. Don’t waste their time selling them about things that don’t convey a benefit.
10. ADDRESS YOUR READER’S NEEDS. Don’t get carried away with your own interests. Talk about your reader, not yourself.
11. GIVE DIRECTIONS. Organize your brochure so readers can flip through the pages and easily find what they want. Provide clear signposts throughout the brochure and make sure each one says ‘Hey, pay attention to me!’
12. ASK FOR ACTION. Regardless of how you organize your brochure, there’s only one way to end it. Ask for action! If you want your reader to respond, include an 800 number, reply card, or some form of response mechanism. In fact, to increase your brochure’s selling power, include your offer and a response mechanism on every page.
Need more help? Email David L. Galet at dgalet@allyeartaxation.com